Thursday, May 8, 2008


There are lots of exciting things coming up! Including: Shenzhen bilingual poetry event tomorrow; writing a speech for Han Shaogong's book launch at the HKBU library; Art HK and HK Unveiled exhibits; the special Cheung Chau bun festival on the 12th; and Xu Xi's book launch for Evanescent Isles.

At the HKBU library today, I checked out Agnes Lam's books of poems and Xi Xi's collection of short stories (in translation from Chinese) A Girl Like Me. It's been so wonderful to read and talk to Hong Kong writers since I've been here. Even though my Fulbright project is a creative one, I've been actually doing quite a bit of research on Hong Kong writing. I'm really getting a good sense of literature here, and its evolution post-handover.

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