Monday, October 22, 2007

Instruments I don't know the name of

After the "City Under the Sea" discussion on campus, Alley and I met up with some writers at this barber shop turned blues jam session (it's converted into a blues/bluegrass/jazz bar twice a month). The place is really hidden, in a corner of a quiet alleyway that doesn't even have a street name. There was a backporch/on-a-ship feel to it and the music was really great (the type you stomp your feet to). Was it a banjo? An oboe? A strange pipe thing connected to a keyboard? It was so smoky, my voice was a little Louie Armstrong by the end of the night. But it was wonderful and the perfect I-can't-believe-this-is-Hong-Kong moment.

1 comment:

sam said...

I think that's a melodica (the pipe-and-keyboard). A friend of mine from my semester in Budapest has one, and he also has a facebook album consisting entirely of friends of his trying to play it. It's a strange one, to be sure.